2D Platformer
Made in the Game Assemblies in house c++ engine, Forknight is a game project that I am very proud of.
Level Loading from Tiled
I was in charge of reading data from our level editing software of choice Tiled, for this project. I was also a direct line of comunication for what features the other diciplines expected from this system.
The Loader Allows for the following Features:
Two stage loading from Tiled exported json level files. First pass to parse the file in to generic objects and then a second pass to parse them in to spesific objects in the scene.
Loading of multiple tilemaps and layers.
Loading of object references, where an object may point to the id of another object
This is used for moving platforms, where they point to their next position to move to in a linked list.
The addition of new objects to load is easy, a function that takes a generic object as an input can be added with a string identifier to a map and then the set up of the object can be handled by the appropriate factory.
Particle System & Editor
I developed a quick and easy particle editor that allows users to edit particle emitters in levels while the game is running.
The System allows for the following features:
One button click to add a new particle type.
Easy editing of particle's base setting such as direction and life time with Dear ImGui's dragable fields.
A basic animation system which allows the particles to go through multiple color stages with a different amounts of randomness.
Supports both additive and Alpha based blend modes.
Allows for an area sensitive mode, with adjusts the spawnrate based on the area of the emitter. Making the spawnrate count per square unit of the emitter.